Aug 3, 2023Liked by Stella Tomlinson

Stella, thank you so much for your beautiful and deeply touching newsletter I am loving this new vibration 🙏

I’ve been forced to rest this week due to a feisty chest infection… but it is actually given me time to be able to work with my own healing and ritual in a way that I have not been able to for awhile in the cacophony of family and work. I’ve had time to have beautiful telephone conversations with dear friends and time to just think sitting in the Sun. The affirmation EASE Keeps coming to mind: amongst all the striving to make a living, facilitate creativity, looking after big & small as a community artist and Forest School tutor, The needs of an incredible spectrum child, just time to go in. Being ill has been really unpleasant physically but I feel like I have had some sort of shedding. Oversight. Strengthening for going forward.

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Dear Becky, thank you so much for sharing! It sounds like it's been a healing week for you - even amidst the physical discomfort. It's so lovely to hear how you've been able to care for yourself and experience deep realisations and release. I wish you the blessings of gratitude and abundance that this Lammas seasons offers us. With love & blessings, Stella x

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